Revegetation Plan – Literature Cited

Revegetation Plan continued:

City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and County of Inyo. 1990. Water from the Owens Valley to supply the second Los Angeles aqueduct. SCH #89080705. Draft Environmental Impact Report Vol. I. Sept. 1990.

City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and County of Inyo. 1990. Green Book for the long-term groundwater management plan for the Owens Valley and Inyo Co. June 1990.

Hickman, James C. (ed.). 1993. The Jepson manual: Higher plants of California. University of California Press.

Platts, William. (1996). Final recommendations based on the goal to reestablish native grasses and willow. Five Bridges Mitigation Project. Letter to Lloyd Anderson, LADWP. December 8, 1996

SCS. 1985. Vegetative treatment of abandoned cropland in the Sonoran Desert to reduce soil erosion. Tech. Notes. USDA, Soil Con. Ser. Plant Materials No. 4 – Arizona. April 1985.

SCS. (unpublished). 1994 Draft – Benton/Owens Valley Soil Survey Manuscript

Yamashita, I.S. 1993. Revegetation on arid lands: The effects of adverse impacts and techniques for revegetation. Report prepared for the Inyo/Los Angeles Tech Group. February 18, 1993.

Yamashita, Irene. 1997. Using plant shelters to increase plant establishment: 2nd annual report. Report to the Inyo/Los Angeles Tech. Group. May 1997

Yamashita, Irene S. and Sara J. Manning. 1997. Monitoring results of four revegetation treatments on barren farmland in the Owens Valley, Calif. – 1996 progress report. 1997. Report to the Inyo/Los Angeles Tech. Group. May 1997.

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